Breezway is committed to investing in the continuous improvement and innovation of our Altair® Louvre Window products so you can feel confident supplying a brand you can trust.
Please see below the following updates to our Altair Louvre product offer.
IGLU® System Clip Seal Supply
Please be advised that Breezway will soon be changing the way we deliver the rubber seals that sit within the clips of the IGLU Double Glazed Louvre System.
Up until now these seals have been sent out with the seals pre-fit into the clips. This requires them to be glued in place for transporting. The disadvantage of this method is that when seals are either damaged in transit or during install of the blades it can be difficult to remove the damaged seal and glue, sometimes resulting in a need to replace the entire clip, rather than just the seal.
In response to customer feedback surrounding this, for all orders placed from 6th December for IGLU Double Glazed Louvres, these seals will be bagged separately as left- and right-hand kits, with instructions for installers to fit as they glaze the window. This allows any damaged seals to be replaced immediately.
Note: The installation of clip seals takes an average of 7.5 seconds.

Stronghold® System / IGLU® System Training and Accreditation
In conjunction with the aforementioned change to the IGLU System clip seal supply, the Stronghold System training and accreditation program will be discontinued.
This program originally existed to ensure that installation of the system was properly understood and conducted. Today, the Stronghold System is much more common in the marketplace and there have been no recorded service issues associated with the Stronghold System installation. Considering this and the change in the IGLU System clip seal supply with additional instructions, there is no longer a need to for this program.

Updated Breezway Standard and Secondary Colour Range
Beginning 1st March 2025 the Breezway Standard and Secondary colour ranges will be updated to better align with our customers. This new range will replace the current list of colours, with some previously available colours persisting.
The new Colour List is available to download here.
Note: All colours that do not feature on these lists will attract a non-stocked colour premium effective 1st March 2025. Updated Breezway Quote and Order Forms will be available on our website from 1st March 2025.