Nov 27, 2015 | Design Benefits, Powerlouvre System
The fact that air rises as it heats up has been used for centuries as a way to draw fresh, cooler air into a building. Automated Louvre Windows are best for high level natural ventilation to allow heat inside your home or building to escape. This is one of the prime...
Nov 6, 2015 | Design Benefits
When mentally putting together their dream home after watching their favourite architecture or home renovation TV show, few people‘s thoughts about windows would extend much beyond wanting to frame views, or perhaps wanting to maximise natural light. Comparing...
Jan 23, 2014 | Design Benefits
Australians love being outdoors. We love outdoor sports. We love barbeques. We love camping. We love the beach. We love bushwalking. So its not surprising that we love our homes to include outdoor living spaces too. These outdoor living spaces always have some form of...
Sep 3, 2013 | Design Benefits, Energy Efficiency
“Can your louvre windows be screened?” is one of the most common questions we are asked. Altair Louvre Windows sure can be screened! They can be screened with fibreglass mesh to keep the insects out, or woven metal mesh to keep intruders out or for bushfire...
Jun 6, 2013 | Design Benefits
It’s not unusual to see Altair Louvre Windows in award winning designs and in the pages of glossy magazines. Not only are they a very stylish window, but they also remain functional at unusual shapes and sizes, allowing them to be fitted in unusual wall spaces, and...